Kristie Sandoval Texas Realtor

Why Should You

Use The MLS?

Why should you use the MLS over other third party sites, such as Redfin and Zillow?

Most third party sites aggregate data from the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS). What this means is that the third party sites will post homes after the homes are posted on the MLS. Being a part of the MLS means that you will be able to view a house as soon as it hits the market. With Austin being so competitive, every minute counts.

What are private remarks on a listing?

Within the MLS, a listing agent can add public remarks as well as private remarks. Public remarks are shared to third party sites, but private remarks are not. In my opinion, the more information you have, always the better.

Why are downloadable documents from the MLS an advantage?

Just like the private remarks, more information is always a good thing! Typically, the listing agent will add the Seller’s Disclosure Notice to the downloadable documents in the MLS, amongst other possible documents (i.e. Survey). Being able to view these documents right away provides some advantages:

  • You will be able to manage your time more efficiently – you may read something unfavorable in the disclosure documents to where you don’t need to spend time going to view the property
  • Since the Austin-area is a hot market, being able to review information as soon as possible also maximizes your time to digest the information to make sound decisions

Does historical information matter?

Don’t overlook the history of a property! Again, more information is always beneficial to assist in your decision of buying a property.

Who cares about showing instructions in the MLS?

Ultimately, you can find the listing agent for a property on any third party site and contact them for the showing instructions. But by having the showing instructions on the MLS, it makes for a faster process to go see homes since the information is readily available and accessible.

How does exposure help me?

This mostly pertains to sellers. Most people who want to sell their home want to do so in a timely manner. By listing your home on the MLS, you’ll be reaching the most buyers as possible. Most brokerages utilize the MLS so all their agents will have access to see your house and show it to their clients. Additionally, since third party sites aggregate MLS data, your listing will automatically show on various other sites….for free.

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Kristie Sandoval
Kristie Sandoval

I have lived in Austin for over 13 years and have fallen in love with everything this city has to offer. I look forward to speaking with you further about how I can be of assistance for your real estate needs!